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10 Reasons Why Using a Church Insurance Company Matter This 2022

SEO Partner • Mar 11, 2022

10 Reasons Why Using a Church Insurance Company Matter This 2022

The church is a place of worship for people from all walks of life. It is a safe sanctuary that offers joy, peace, healing, tranquility, and solidarity to all those who go there. It is the one place where people often feel safe and welcome. The church is a vital institution in the community, providing believers with the opportunity to worship and fellowship together.

Many churches in America conduct services and run other institutions such as schools and hospitals. They face risks and suffer damage just like any other business, so they need adequate protection. Church owners in Georgia are well aware of the benefits that a church insurance coverage can provide to their institutions.

Church Insurance Man is a church insurance company in Jersey, GA, offering the best insurance coverage for churches and non-profit organizations. Here we will tell you about church insurance coverage types and why you need them.

What Is Church Insurance?

The church serves as a place of worship and a place for hosting events in the community. Many people walk in and out of churches daily, making the buildings prone to several risk factors. Church leaders require protection from certain risks by taking up a church insurance policy.

Getting the right coverage ensures that your organization is protected from any disasters. Church insurance is a type of business insurance that specializes in protecting the owners of churches and non-profit organizations. It covers church property, employees, vehicles, and additional services, such as counseling.

The extent of your insurance coverage is based on what you agree with your church insurance agency. Several church insurance companies in Georgia offer church insurance to owners. You should find a church insurance agency that meets your needs and protects your religious organization.

What Should You Look For in Church Insurance Agency?

The right church insurance agency will help you access insurance policies suitable for your organization. The proper insurance firm will;

  1. Work with you to understand what you need.
  2. Account for various insurance options, including mutual markets.
  3. Ensure that you secure a personalized package for your organization.
  4. Provide a variety of insurance policies such as general liability, commercial auto, and workers' compensation insurance.

Choose an insurance agency that is reliable and has several years of experience in issuing church insurance policies.

What Insurance Should a Church Have?

There are several insurance coverages available for any church or non-profit organization. Some church insurance policies are essential, while others can offer extra security.

The insurance coverages include:

  1. General liability insurance.
  2. Workers compensation insurance.
  3. Property coverage.
  4. Sexual misconduct liability insurance.
  5. Employment practices liability insurance.
  6. Umbrella liability insurance
  7. Business auto insurance.
  8. Professional liability and counseling act liability insurance.
  9. Foreign liability and travel insurance.

Other insurance coverage options available to churches and non-profit organizations include event insurance, equipment breakdown coverage, and directors' and officers' liability insurance. You should pick an insurance policy for your organization based on its wants and needs.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Church Insurance Company?

Church Insurance Man will offer church insurance packages that cover to protect your organization from any risks. Working with the right independent church insurance agency assures you that your ministry is protected and will last a very long time. It will enable you to tackle any disaster that comes your way at any given time.

Church insurance agencies are essential because they offer:

1. Protection For Property Owned by the Church

Your church requires insurance coverage for every property it owns. Property coverage protects all kinds of property and valuable items belonging to the church. The insurance policy works in the event of a disaster such as a fire or high winds that cause partial or total damage to the church.

2. Protection Against Legal Liability Claims

Church members, guests, and other individuals can file a lawsuit against your church. Your organization can be held liable for any accidents in the sanctuary that cause bodily injuries such as slips and falls. You can also be held responsible by your landlord for any damages to the leased property.

The commercial general liability insurance policy offers protection against claims of bodily injury and property damage in your church.

3. Protection Against Claims of Sexual Misconduct

The risk of being accused of sexual misconduct has caused many religious organizations to install strict guidelines on operating. Religious organizations, especially those working with children, are prone to accusations of sexual harassment from their members.

Sexual misconduct liability coverage is an important part of your church's insurance. It ensures that you are protected from any lawsuits filed due to inappropriate behavior with members or visitors in the past.

4. Protection For Counselors and Professional Advisors

You can offer counseling services to your congregation members. You could also hire counselors to give professional service to your congregants. The counselor is liable to claims of physical or emotional harm from church members.

Professional liability coverage protects your church from legal liability claims related to counseling acts.

5. Protection Against Injuries to Employees

Your organization can be held liable for any work-related injuries to your employees. The church should have workers' compensation insurance coverage to protect it from such claims. The law in Georgia requires that organizations with three or more employees have a workers' compensation insurance policy.

6. Protection from Theft and Burglary

Your church requires a crime insurance policy for protection against the loss of money and property. The crime insurance policy protects your church from incidences of employee dishonesty and theft from an unknown party.

7. Protection for Vehicles Belonging to the Church

Vehicles owned by the church, such as vans and buses, should be covered by commercial auto insurance in case of any accidents. You should also get non-owned auto insurance coverage for any rented vehicles used.

8. Protection from Allegations Made by Employees

Employees from your organization could file lawsuits resulting from sexual abuse, discrimination, and wrongful termination. The employment practices liability policy protects your church from such legal claims.

9. Protection From Large Legal Claims

An umbrella liability insurance policy comes in handy in the event of a lawsuit that involves large settlement amounts. It will offer extra liability protection to your organization and give you peace of mind.

10. Protection For Missionary Service

Church members sent in and out of the country for missions require protection from accidents, medical expenses, and lawsuits. Foreign liability insurance coverage offers such protection to members traveling for missions.

Contact Church Insurance Man for Affordable Church Insurance in Jersey, GA.

Choosing the right insurance firm for your organization is a challenging task. You need an insurance partner with the skills, knowledge, and experience to meet your needs.

Church Insurance Man is a faith-based insurance company that specializes in church insurance coverage. We offer affordable church and non-profit insurance policies to Georgia, such as Columbus, Jersey, and Macon. Our professionals have several years of experience dealing with insurance options and finding suitable packages for our clients.

You can visit Church Insurance Man Today at our office in Jersey, Georgia, for more information on Church Insurance. You can also call us at (470) 375-8274 or send us an email at to book an appointment or seek more information.

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